Winter Emergency Relief 2024

Stand with Afghan Women – Winter Emergency Relief for Women-Headed Households in Afghanistan You are amazing! Together we were able to reach the fundraising goal for our winter emergency aid this year. Please note: You can still donate to the campaign, the surplus goes directly to the project work in Afghanistan. Thank you so much […]

Hungerfree in Ramadan – food for families in need in Afghanistan and Turkey

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € Around 10% of the world’s population goes hungry – even though a life free from hunger is a human right. Years of war and dangerous humanitarian crises have left large parts of the Afghan and Syrian populations at the mercy of starvation without support. However, both crises […]

Winter aid 2019 – Donate warmth for Herat and Kabul

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € According to the UNHCR, there are currently 2.6 million internally displaced persons in Afghanistan who are dependent on humanitarian aid. Displaced or fleeing from conflicts or drought in their own country, they usually have no choice but to fight for survival in refugee camps in their thousands. […]

Winter aid 2020 – Emergency aid packages for Kabul and Herat

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € More than four million internally displaced people in Afghanistan are facing the country’s typical extreme winter with temperatures as low as -25° C, snow and ice. Displaced or fleeing from ongoing conflicts and natural disasters, the families in the camps live in precarious conditions in simple mud […]

Ramadan Action 2021 – Hunger-free packages for internally displaced persons

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € Four million internally displaced people in Afghanistan are facing major challenges under the current conditions of the pandemic. They live in rudimentarily equipped camps. For the majority of refugees, working as day laborers is not enough to provide for their families. Out of necessity, more and more […]

Fundraising campaign for Afghanistan

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € The people in Afghanistan need our help now! In Afghanistan, families are fleeing chaos and violence. The Taliban has largely taken control of the country. The initial consequences for the civilian population are dramatic: Hundreds of thousands have become internally displaced – in addition to the more […]

Winter emergency aid for families in Afghanistan

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € The harsh winter begins in Afghanistan, further exacerbating the catastrophic humanitarian situation. More than half of the Afghan population is threatened by hunger. Donate now to support them! This year, we have watched in horror as the situation in Afghanistan has worsened and is now heading towards […]

Stand with Afghanistan – Emergency aid for Ramadan 2022

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € The living conditions for people in Afghanistan are the worst in the world. 95% of the Afghan population is currently affected by food insecurity and malnutrition on an unprecedented scale(UN OCHA). The reasons for this include the collapse of the economy, the collapse of the financial and […]

Heat donations – Winter emergency aid 2022

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € DONATE WARMTH – TOGETHER WE CAN ENSURE THAT 277 INTERNALLY DISPLACED AFGHAN FAMILIES GET THROUGH THE COLD SEASON SAFELY THIS WINTER! You can continue to donate to this year’s winter emergency aid even after the first donation target has been reached! Due to the withdrawal of numerous […]

Emergency humanitarian aid for earthquake survivors in Turkey and Syria

Donate Donation status: 0 € Target: 0 € Update on the use of your donations Thanks to your numerous donations, we were able to raise over €40,000 for the survivors of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Over the past few weeks, we have been in constant contact with local organizations to ensure that your […]


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Visions for Children e.V.
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20357 Hamburg


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